
Winter Garden Ideas: Crops Your Neighbors are Harvesting Right Now

It’s OK to be a little skeptical when we start talking about winter garden ideas and Chicago.

You’re probably nodding your head and narrowing your eyes as doubt involuntarily makes you ask: “Crops? In this area? In, like, snow season?”

You heard right, so read on to learn how winter gardening goes down in zone 5, and why some consider it their favorite time of year to plant and reap.

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Lay Out a 5-Star Chicago Landscaping Plan for 2017

It’s easy to put off remodeling projects when we’re not sure where to begin. That said, figuring out how to start working on a 5-star, zone-5 Chicago landscaping plan can be broken down into a series of small assessments and decisions. Once you’re organized and have the information you need, you’ll be able to move your project along with confidence.
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